Monday, April 26, 2010

Early modern

Early modernism was an influential era between 1910- 1935. These artists were described as "avant garde" which means new or experimental, they were named this because these groups of artists never gained popular acceptance. Their ideas and philosophies had a major influence on all art, design, architecture, fashion and even literature. Expressionists were inspired by woodblock prints, art by children and or unschooled artists. They had new approaches to art and life, often depicting alienation, anxiety and despair, proportion was exaggerated and there figures were distorted. Lucian Bern-hard was a very influential designer that took that further step back and reduced objects into there simplest shape and form.

i think this era is very interesting, i like the way they reduce everything to look very simple it reminds me of the Swiss International era. i also like the way their work looked very casual but very orderly at the same time.

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