Monday, April 26, 2010

Art deco 1925-1940

The term 'Art Deco' was found from the "Exposition Internationale des Arts Decoratifs et Industrial Modernes" which was held in paris in 1925. Coco Chanel was the perfect role model for the modern woman. She designed comfortable and "streamlined" clothes that weren't  fussy or elaborate. Coco Chanel's life was also legendary, as she was brought up in a orphanage and then used her many affairs wit influential men to advance both her career and her financial position. Although Art Deco was considered an early modern style, there  was no political ideology associated with it and unlike Early Modern, Art Deco gained Popular acceptance. 

I think Art Deco is a popular era which is used a lot nowadays, like Early Modern it uses a lot of geometric lines and shapes. i think their designs are very elegant and clean which is why this era is very popular.

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