Saturday, June 12, 2010

Psychedelia 1960-1975

The psychedelic sixties was born within the hippie subculture of the haight- ashbury distcrict in San Fransico. The name "pyschedelic" related to drugs that were popular with the youth culture during this time which is why poster artist tried their hardest to capture the feeling of tripping out in their work. Fashion was very flayboyant and colourful which this was inspired by rock musicians, clashing colours, extreme textures and long hair was very much "in." Designers used an optical vibrating affect of lines and textures which was also very popular during this time, curved lines were now back in fashion and fluro colours were taking over.

Andy Warhol was more known for being a pop artist, although sometimes he was commissioned to do graphic design. Andy Warhol become famous for a number of things, one being that he was well known with hollywood celebrities and for his work with them. Andy warhols most famous peice was of Marilyn Munroe, in this peice of work she is in very traditional psychedelia colours. i like his work because it was different but also very successful.

Victor Moscoso was actually a formally trained designer that worked in the psychedelic style. One of his favourite styles was to reduce a photograph to its most essential shapes by photocopying it over and over which converting all grays to a black or white. He also liked to take imagery which had nothing to do with what he was creating and using it for a graphic affect. Victor Moscoso work was also very out there but very successful in creating optical illusions which can be difficult.

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