Monday, February 15, 2010

Advertisements from the 'Victorian era'.

The soft drink Coca-cola was invented in 1886 by Doctor John Pemberton and was marketed as a tonic that contained extracts of cocaine as well as the caffeine-rich kola nut. Asa Griggs Candler released the first ads for coca-cola in national consumer publications in 1904, these advertisements featured mostly women from the 'Victorian era'. They potrayed coca-cola as a drink that, 'relieves fatigue that comes from over-play, over work and over thinking'. When i first researched these advertisements, my first thought was that the choice of colour was great but the women in the ad's dont look enthusiastic enough to make consumers believe that this drink will relieve any fatigue you may have. I then looked more at the photo and thought of our coca-cola advertisements from the early 2000's to 2009 and the way they have given the popular soft drink more of a energetic look that gives you a quick buzz when you need one. Overall these victorian style advertisments look very feminine but maybe a little too serious for the type of drink coca-cola is.

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